Kommentare zu: How to speed up metadata translations in Power BI https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/how-to-speed-up-metadata-translations-in-power-bi/ Wir lieben Microsoft Power BI Thu, 16 Nov 2023 09:31:48 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Von: cndg https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/how-to-speed-up-metadata-translations-in-power-bi/#comment-5242 Thu, 16 Nov 2023 09:31:48 +0000 https://ssbi-blog.de/?p=9952#comment-5242 Hi there,

Thank you for this great solution! I’m currently struggling with getting the host name for my use case. Our dataset is saved to a folder, and when I open it, no host name is being displayed. I can’t open it from desktop. How can I get around that?

Thank you in advance!

Von: Max https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/how-to-speed-up-metadata-translations-in-power-bi/#comment-3922 Wed, 28 Sep 2022 19:46:14 +0000 https://ssbi-blog.de/?p=9952#comment-3922 Thank you for this great article.

I have been reading a lot of articles like this but non of them explain anything about how to setup or interact with Power BI Premium.

We have a Premium Workspace at work, but this isn’t the only requirement, I need to know how to setup the Premium workspace or how to setup Power BI Desktop to take advantage of the Premium Workspace to make use of my translated Metadata.

For example, if I start a brand new report and Get data from local csv files, I can open Tabular Editor or Metadata Translator and input my translations. But when I publish to my Premium Workspace, changing locale has no effect on the report.

I suspect this isn’t how I’m supposed to do it but I cannot find any information on how to make this work.

Should my dataset already be on the Premium workspace? I tried accessing a dataset that was already on the Premium workspace but I get a 401 error (The remote server returned an error:(401) Unauthorized). If this is the way, how do I fix this error?

Does anything need to be done on the admin side of the Premium Workspace?

I’m sorry for the long question, I’ve been trying to figure this out for weeks and I can’t find anything.
