Kommentare zu: Get your own Power Query Editor using Notepad++ https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/power-query-editor-using-notepad/ Wir lieben Microsoft Power BI Fri, 22 Mar 2024 16:25:47 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Von: Mohamed GadAllah https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/power-query-editor-using-notepad/#comment-4946 Tue, 04 Jul 2023 06:39:35 +0000 http://ssbi-blog.de/?p=1214#comment-4946 Hi,
Thanks a lot for this tool as it was beneficial.
Since an updated version for the latest functions is no longer available.
I’ve tried this one here:
It worked for Visual Studio Code Editor.
Take a look, if you need an updated tool.
Hope this helps.

Von: Gareth https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/power-query-editor-using-notepad/#comment-4732 Wed, 31 May 2023 14:36:01 +0000 http://ssbi-blog.de/?p=1214#comment-4732 Thank you Lars!
Feeding back, I found the latest version of Notepad++ I was using I had to place the xml file into the „autoCompletion“ folder in the root install of it.

Von: RaiSta https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/power-query-editor-using-notepad/#comment-3856 Sun, 11 Sep 2022 17:53:39 +0000 http://ssbi-blog.de/?p=1214#comment-3856 Als Antwort auf Lars Schreiber.

Hi Lars,
even though the advanced Editor in PQ meanwhile shows syntax highlighting and (a very cryptical version of) intellisense I still prefer copying my M-code into N++ for
* printing
* text search
* better overview
Therefore I would like to have the functionality in N++ at curent level – can you tell, how to distill the function-lists from PQ and also the Autocomplete? If successfull I would be ready to post the results here, too.
Thank you for your work!

Von: Lars Schreiber https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/power-query-editor-using-notepad/#comment-3335 Mon, 16 May 2022 09:43:29 +0000 http://ssbi-blog.de/?p=1214#comment-3335 Als Antwort auf Sian Doherty.

Hi Sian,

thanks for your feedback. As there is intellisense in Power Query for Power BI Desktop, I don’t update this tool anymore.

Thanks and regards,

Von: Sian Doherty https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/power-query-editor-using-notepad/#comment-3334 Mon, 16 May 2022 09:32:33 +0000 http://ssbi-blog.de/?p=1214#comment-3334 Wow. That’s very impressive. Thank you so much. So helpful. I notice that the last update was 2018 though, is there a new list of functions and auto-complete.xml (it’s now May 2022) ? Or is it enough to click on the files and they are already updated?

Thank you again. Very helpful

Von: Burkhard Bräkling https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/power-query-editor-using-notepad/#comment-2732 Mon, 25 Oct 2021 07:20:11 +0000 http://ssbi-blog.de/?p=1214#comment-2732 Als Antwort auf Alberto.

I have the same directory structure but can’t get intellisense to work. Downloaded German version of the XML. Anybody out there with a similar challenge?

Von: fVoss https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/power-query-editor-using-notepad/#comment-1818 Wed, 03 Feb 2021 20:59:40 +0000 http://ssbi-blog.de/?p=1214#comment-1818 I have been using this for years. It is a real life-saver. I ran into an issue while adding the UDL in a new computer:

• The period character was not recognized as the decimal separator and
thus numbers with decimals were displayed in two colors (the desired pale green before the period and black from the period onwards)

The way to solve the issue was removing the number range operator „..“ from the list of „Operators1“ and adding it to „Operators2“. Now the number range operator is only highlighted if enclosed by whitespace characters, but that is better for me than having bicolor numbers everywhere.

Is there a way to get the best of both worlds, i.e. having periods recognized as decimal separators and „..“ as a regular „forward“ operator.

Von: NEXEA https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/power-query-editor-using-notepad/#comment-1797 Sun, 24 Jan 2021 17:05:31 +0000 http://ssbi-blog.de/?p=1214#comment-1797 AT

Von: An Impartial Take A Look At Enterprise Investment Capital – محمد الرشيدي https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/power-query-editor-using-notepad/#comment-1757 Thu, 07 Jan 2021 22:50:56 +0000 http://ssbi-blog.de/?p=1214#comment-1757 […] how VC works the notion of Series A money is intimidating – but it may also be a make or how does venture capital work burst time to obtain a […]

Von: Daten aus CSV und TXT Dateien importieren - Power BI https://ssbi-blog.de/blog/technical-topics-english/power-query-editor-using-notepad/#comment-1676 Thu, 10 Dec 2020 13:03:21 +0000 http://ssbi-blog.de/?p=1214#comment-1676 […] Der Code wurde mit Lars Schreiber’s Notepad++ Script Editor erstellt: https://ssbi-blog.de/technical-topics-english/power-query-editor-using-notepad/ […]
